Disclaimer: I posted two blogs today during "afternoon avoid the heat siesta"see the next blog.

Back in Luang Prabang we decided to go out to the famed waterfall. On the hike in there is a Moon Bear sanctuary. These bears are saved from a life of living in a tiny cage and having bile painfully removed from their gallbladders (used for medicinal purposes...which actually is completely worthless!) They now play, swim and rock in huge leather hammocks!

Kouang Si waterfall....so beautiful. What you can't see in this photo is all the people...locals and tourists alike. There is even a rope swing. We marched past all that and hiked to the very top! The falls are huge....multiple levels.

At the VERY top (very much like climbing Multnomah falls, except for rickety wooden steps, slippery mud and steep enough to make you want to crawl) we noticed a pool. We had to climb up a waterfall to get there, but it was worth it. We were able to take a quick dip before sliding our way back down the mountain to get our minibus back to town.

The next morning we went to the Elephant Sanctuary! (Can you see me smiling! I love elephants!) These elephants have been saved from a life in the logging industry. During the night they live up in the jungle...their mahouts (trainers) get them each morning and ride for 2 hours down to the camp. They give "rides" in the morning, then bath in the river and head home.

We hopped onto our elephant "chair" and rode through the jungle and down to the river. These elephants can understand up to 150 words. They express emotions and can even cry.

At the river our mahout traded places with me for the rest of the ride. Took a while for me to get balanced. Whenever she reached down for food (which was often....she reminded me of my sister's horse, Sunny) I would have to brace myself. Above, she is snarfing up water.

Such a great day! We rode for an hour, then went back to the lodge and ate lunch looking out over the river. Tomorrow we leave Laos for Vietnam!